eForm - The Electronic Form Snippet


Who's responsible for eForm

オリジナル作者: Raymond Irving (2004-12-15)
Version 1.3 - 1.4 extended by: Jelle Jager (TobyL) September 2006

Captcha image support - thanks to Djamoer
Multi checkbox, radio, select support - thanks to Djamoer
Styles (for these docs) 'borrowed' from Adam Crownoble's QuickEdit

What is eForm?

eForm converts a web form into an email which can be sent via email to specified users. Its main features are: html form mail with attachments, auto-respond, report generation using placeholders and extended form validation.

What's New

Version -

You can see a more extensive version history here.




標準的な使い方では、確認画面を設定することはできません。eFormが愛用されている欧米では、問い合わせフォームに確認画面を設ける慣習がもともとありません。多少の開発ができる場合は、eForm本体を改造することなく独自プラグインの追加などにより確認画面を設けることは可能ですが、開発まで行なわない場合は cfFormMailerの採用をおすすめします。








(<input type="name" eform="メールアドレス:email:1" /> など)




お名前 : [+氏名+] さん
Email : [+email+]
件 名 : [+subject+]
内 容 :

上記のように指定します。[+氏名+] は、フォーム側で <input name="氏名" type="text" /> などと記述された個所と自動的に連動します。「email」「subject」は特別な機能を持つシステム固有の名前なので気をつけてください。ただしカスタマイズで変更することもできます。



[!eForm!] と記述するだけでは動作しません。3つのパラメータが必須です。


eForm is very flexible and there's quite a collection of parameters you can use to get eForm to do what you want. Read some of the examples if you're unsure what to do.


[!eForm? &tpl=`フォーム本体(htmlで書く)` &report=`送信メールのひな型`!]



フォームの本体は、チャンクまたは他のリソースで管理します。そのチャンクまたはリソースを指定するのが、この &tplパラメータです。通常の文字列で指定した場合はチャンク名、数字のみで指定された場合はリソースが指定されたものと認識します。

No parameters are forwarded to the snippet call in this version. For the regular form fields you do not normally need to add placeholders, they automatically get inserted by eForm. The esception to this rule are in the case of event functions where you want to set specific values.

Special placeholders available are: [+validationmessage+], [+postdate+],[+verimageurl+] & [+debugText+]

You should have the [+validatiomessage+] placeholder in all your forms. The others you may need depending on other parameters.








<input type="hidden" name="formid" value="formName" />


<form id="formName"...>


PHP Event Functions:

The eForm event functions are now incorporated into the parameters. They are:


		&category=`Purchase Order`


For all normal form fields eForm automatically inserts appropriate placeholders. However there are a few that you may need to add manually:

Datatypes and formatting

eForm is incorporating a form parser which extracts formatting and validation options from each form field. To set options for a field add the


(pseudo) attribute to each required form field.

<input type="text" name="color" eform="A Color:string:1" />

The basic format of the eform attribute is:

[description/title]:[datatype]:[required]:[validation message]:[validation rule]

Data types

You only need to set the following data types. Others will be set automatically (radio & checkbox as they are, string for textbox and listbox for select)

Standard validation: All fields that are required will be checked if they are left empty.

The listbox, checkbox and radio fields do normally not require the datatype to be set. eForm will recognize these automatically. It will validate the values against the list of values placed in the form.

Extended Server Validation

This version instroduces extended server validation and word filtering using very flexible validation rules that can be set in the


attribute. You can set 2 extra validation parameters, a custom error message and a validation or filter rule.


eform="Year of Birth:integer:1:Must be between 1950 and 2002:#RANGE 1950-2002"

The validation rules

Select boxes, radio options and checkbox fields

Select boxes, radio options and checkbox fields now have working automatic validation. Any input for these fields is validated against the values set in your form template. This avoids anyone tampering with the form by adding their own values to these fields

Hidden fields

By default hidden fields are validated as a protection against tampering by comparing the input against the value set in the form template (much like the select, checkbox and radio fields) In some circumstances this may not be desirable however. For instance when you use some javascript in your form to store a result in a hidden field. In those cases you can turn this behaviour off by setting the eform attribute (with or without it's own validation).

Hidden field example 1.
The default behaviour is handy for instance if you are storing a document id and want to be sure no one can tamper with the id. the field would look like this:

<input type="hidden" name="docId" value="31" />


Hidden field example 2.
Suppose you have a form where a javascript calculated value is stored in a hidden field. To avoid the hidden field being validated at all you add the following eform attribute:

<input type="hidden" name="calculatedField" value="" eform="::0::" />


Hidden field example 3.
Same scenario as 2 but suppose you want to make sure a value is returned and that it stays within a certain range. The eform attribute is set with: title,integer data type, required field, error message and validation with #RANGE (in this example a value between 1-10)

<input type="hidden" name="calculatedField" value="" eform="Calculated Value:integer:1:Calculation out of range:#RANGE 1-10" />


Form field examples with validation

1. Selectbox - set as required field (no validation required)

<select name="mySelect" eform_options="Select Country::1" /> (datatype left blank)
<option value="en-au">Australia</option>
<option value="en-us">USA</option>

2. Textbox - required and format set to date

<input type="text" name="dobDate" eform_options="Date of Birth:date:1:@EVAL return (strtotime($value)!==-1)?true:false;" />

3. Multiple checkbox - required, eform_options only set once.

<input type="checkbox" name="myColors[]" value="Red" eform_options="Colors::1" /> (datatype left blank)

<input type="checkbox" name="myColors[]" value="Green" /> (datatype left blank)



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