AjaxSearch Log Manager
A module provided to display the search logs from
the MODX manager
Highlight plugins
Coroico <coroico@wangba.fr>
Kyle Jaebker <kjaebker@muddydogpaws.com>
Susan Ottwell <sottwell@sottwell.com>
Pur: When a user clicks on the link from the
AjaxSearch results the target page will have the
terms highlighted.
searchHighlight plugin
Pur: highlight the terms containing between
advSearchHighlight plugin
Pur: highlight the terms containing between
<!--start highlight--> and <!--end highlight-->
Several distinct blocks are allowed
Not: To add a link to remove the highlighting and
to show the searchterms. Put the following on the
page where this nees to be appeared:
Set the following variables to change the text:
$termText -the text before the search terms
$removeText -the text for the remove link