Placeholders That Can be Used Within Wayfinder Templates

The following are placeholders that Wayfinder "inherits" from the page in which it's called:
[+テンプレート変数名+] Any template variable used by the current web page's template can be referenced from within a Wayfinder template.
[+リソース変数名+] Any standard document field can be referenced from within a Wayfinder template.
The following are the additional placeholders defined and used by the Wayfinder snipppet:
[+wf.wrapper+] Most (all?) of the templates potentially have subsidiary content. For example, the &outerTpl template normally contains all the rows that make up the menu. It is the [+wf.wrapper+] placeholder in each template that tells Wayfinder where to place the template's subsidiary content.
[+wf.classnames+] A SPACE-separated list of any CSS class names that apply within the context of the current template will be placed within this template. Which CSS classnames apply depend on three things:
  1. What is the nature of the current template (container-level or row-level)?
  2. Which CSS class names have you specified with Wayfinder's class-defintion parameters?
  3. And what are the properties (parent, self, here, etc.) of the relevant document (if in a row template)?
[+wf.classes+] The content of this placeholder is the result of this code: class="[+wf.classnames+] . This is is just a list of the applicable CSS classnames, pre-packaged into an HTML "class" attribute.
  • This placeholder is intended to be used to provide the value of the "href" attribute of an HTML link.
  • The URL of the document corresponding to this row will be placed in this placeholder.
  • This placeholder is intended to be used to provide the value of the "title" attribute of an HTML link.
  • The &titleOfLinks parameter determines the value of this placeholder. It defaults to the pagetitle field of the document corresponding to this row.
  • This placeholder is intended to be used to provide the text that is displayed on a webpage for an HTML link.
  • The &textOfLinks parameter determines the value of this placeholder. It defaults to the menutitle field of the document corresponding to this row.
[+wf.subitemcount+] The number of immediate children (0 or a positive integer), of the document corresponding to this row, will be placed in this placeholder.
Have the following placeholders been eliminated in Wayfinder 2.0, because you can now reference these standard document fields without the "wf." prefix, or have they been retained for backwards compatibility???
[+wf.attributes+] The contents of the link attributes field, of the document corresponding to this row, will be placed in this placeholder.
[] If the &rowIdPrefix parameter has been used to specify an unique ID for each row, then that ID will be placed in this placeholder. Otherwise this placeholder will remain empty.
[+wf.docid+] The document ID of the document corresponding to this row will be placed in this placeholder.
[+wf.description+] The description field of the document corresponding to this row will be placed in this placeholder.
[+wf.introtext+] The description field of the document corresponding to this row will be placed in this placeholder.


  • ASP at AKIHABARA Japan
  • CMS AWARDS 2007 Winner